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A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers
Alex placed a hand on Dawn's head, ruffling her hair up playfully as her mittens floated over them. He took one of Dawn's hands with his own, and brought it to his mouth, where, if she allowed, kissed and licked the blood off of the nails. He wasn't afraid of being hurt. As stated earlier, he was not weak. That, and he was no stranger to pain. His father made sure of that....


"Mmmmm..." she moaned as her tummy was rubbed, and she smiled at her master. "I feel a little tired, Master. That milk made me feel a little sleepy. But if Master wants me to be awake, I'll be awake!" she declared, her cat ears standing tall, with a look of adorable determination on her face.

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RE: A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers - by TempZero - 11-22-2009, 07:29 PM