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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop)
Susie smiles the lifts Toma onto the counter with her. "Awww your so nice and helpful the both of you. K now I want you to help me mash the banana's for din din that would be very helpfu." Susie said as she peels off 6 banana's then places them in a hold and hands Toma a wooden spoon to assist her.


The moment Toma is safe out of range of hearing or seeing her she stops petting Tigress then takes on of one of her ears and YANKS her head hard close to her mouth. "Now you listen to me VERY carfuly. Unless you want the rest of what is going to no doubt be the rest of your life as one of Susie baby slaves I suggest you follow my next words exactly. From here on I own you! When Toma and Momma are not around you will call me Mistress Tina. You will sever me hand and foot and do all I desire. Also all your yummie treat, candys, ice cream, and anything yummy you give to me. Any fun toys I get to play with FIRST and maybe you can when I get bored with it. And lastly and most important. If I ever see you touching, looking, or doing anything with or to Toma that I don't like I will go so sad crazy that Susie will spank the skin off your ass! Do you understand me and agree to my terms?" Tina asks as she lets go of Tigress ear.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - by Tank Cop - 11-17-2009, 02:23 PM