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A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers
"Hmm? Why am I here?" she repeated. "Hmmm...I'm here because mommy said my real daddy was here," the cat girl explained. "She said the man she was living with was my step-daddy. She then led me to another man, who brought me here, to you, daddy!" she explained.

In other words, to get rid of the little kitten, the mother told her a lie and brought her to the Commissioner of Slave affairs. The mother told the cat girl that he would lead her to her 'real' father. As luck would have it, the Commissioner told the girl that De Shen was her real father. She had no idea she was really meant to be a slave, but this meant De Shen could order her to do almost anything, and she would obey as she was loyal to her 'father.' Then again, he could tell her the truth about him, but that would cause her to become more rebellious against him. The choice was his.

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RE: A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers - by TempZero - 11-12-2009, 02:50 PM