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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop)
Toma groans a little but still tries to calm her down. "T-Tina you're hurting me. Listen I just want to be polite and invite her to come along. We can still go on all the rides we wanted to! Please Tina I haven't seen Tigress in years, I promise to make it up to you but please let her hang out with us today."


"IMPY!" Yuki cries out and rushes over to Impmon, pushing Ray and Sora out of teh way as she does. She checks him and finds he still breathing before turning to Tigress and snarling. "YOU BITCH!" She charges right at Tigress and leaps at her.

"Bad choice." Tigress chides at Yuki's reckless attack. She throws a punch at her but to her shock Yuki's body changes into a bunch of leavs that scatter at her punch. "O_O Wh-What the-GAH!" Tigress groans and Yuki appears behind her and drives her knee into the back of the tiger's neck, driving her to the floor and knocking her out.

Yuki exhales and grins at her fallen foe. "And that, kitten, is what happens when a kung-fu warrior takes on a ninja."

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RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - by blankmind12 - 11-10-2009, 12:52 PM