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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop)
Tina stops still and keeps hold of Toma's hand just short of the door. "What do you mean the 3 of us. There is NO 3 of us there's just you and me Toma! I said we can TALK. Now your thinking about going to rides with her?" Tina's hand squeeze Toma's very hard as she gets upset.


Impmon didn't see the hit coming and unlike others he can brace himself for it but it was to soon and he didn't have time as he was hit so hard his head bounce off the wall and he passes out onto the floor. "BOSS!!!!" Both Sora and Ray shot as they go over to see if he's dead or not.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - by Tank Cop - 11-10-2009, 12:43 PM