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Magical Bonds (An RP for Casey The Demon and Silver)
Kase slumped on the ground, his hands running over his chest to the cuts around his neck and the burn marks just under his chin. He held his trembling hands there and looked up at Demona fearfully. "I...I thought..." He couldnt finish his words before he flinched his fingers running over the raw skin on his neck. He grit his teeth in pain, and then in anger and sorrow. "There is no way Im going to make it to the end of the year now..." He groaned as he noticed the time. "Im already so late, the door is locked by now for sure...and now I have a homicidal demoness after my soul..." He groaned and stood up weakly but didnt move from his spot against the wall unless Demona backed up.

He sighed heavily and wondered if he should try to undo the pact, or at least tell her that he had no need for it anymore. "If this is the kind of help Im going to get...then you might as well kill me now." He whispered with a sad sigh. The only reason he had enacted the pact was to graduate the academy...but if the pact only made it so that Lilith or Demona or whatever insane demoness was with him at the moment couldnt kill him, then there was no reason to have it. All he had left now was basically to wait until they threw him out of the school or found out that he was harboring a demon to be tried and executed or sent back home in complete shame.

He didnt look Demona in the eyes, not even once, still terrified of her, but his will to live basically dropped to an even zero. Now all he really wanted was a not so painful death, which he knew he wouldnt get with Demona. "Listen...Im...Im just going to leave now..." He said softly, still only look at his toes. "I...I will be back later..." He added, edging towards the door. Suicidally depressed or not, Kase had no desire of remaining in the same room as the strangely violent and unpredictable demon."Um...please let me leave..." He whimpered as he continued to attempt an escape, hoping that by asking he would enact the pact and force her to let him go, hardly caring if he gave up a part of his soul for that.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: Magical Bonds (An RP for Casey The Demon and Silver) - by Maero - 11-07-2009, 12:57 PM