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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
"Nothing dont worry." Silvia said as she ripped into her own meal, cleverly hiding her emotions behind a mask of a predatory feeding frenzy. As soon as she was done she would get a towel to clean herself off and would then head for the bridge, dragging Casey along with her. "So who is training you? Griff? Carden?" She asked him as she walked toward the bridge.

Once they entered Casey would get his first real view of the inside of the command center for the ship. It was huge, as large as space it seemed, and it may have taken Casey a moment to realize that he was floating. It was impossible to tell how large the room actually was since its walls, floor and ceiling wall mimicked the space around it, showing stars and planets as they sped past the ship. Silvia opened her wings and took off towards the crew who were pi8loting the ship. Although the door was still just behind Casey, appearing as portal to a hallway in the strange room, there were other things there as well that were clearly not a hologram and in the room.

The most obvious of which was the crew. There were sixteen chairs, or rather floating stations, fourteen of which were filled. All of them were around a large curled up mass of what seemed to be technology and purple biomass. Silvia took her seat in her command chair, directly above the mass. The stations floated in an odd formation. In the center, above all the others, was Silvia's chair, more ornate than the others and made to hold her wings and tail comfortably. In front of her, and down a bit, was Debbie navigator chair, which was empty. Behind Silvia was the Engine regulators chair. Where Silvia and Debbie's stations were facing forward, his was facing backward.

Then there were six chairs on either side of Silvia, all set up in odd rows, all perfectly symmetrical. Four were directly adjacent to her, the two by her side were lower than hers, just like all the others, and the ones next to those were lower still. The same pattern was repeated both in front and behind Silvia, with Debbie and the regulator having the same set up.

"Captain on the bridge!" Yelled the regulator. "Activating full ship functions." Silvia said, taping a few buttons on her chair's right arm. Suddenly, the biomass bellow her pulsed and slowly began to expand and unwrap itself. What it turned out to be likely stunned Casey as much as it amazed him. The biomass was in fact a huge dragon with six wings that had curled up into a ball. Floating beneath Silvia's chair, the dragon uncurled its body and revealed just how much larger it was than all the other Draconics Casey had seen.

The command chairs then began to move as well, following the dragon until they were fully aligned with its huge body. One chair sad at the end of each of its six wings, while one chair sat at each of its six shoulders. The regulator's chair moved down and settled at the base of the tail while Debbie's chair went down and settled at the base of its neck. Silvia's own chair didnt need to move at all and settled into the center of its spine, in the center of the whole formation, and still elevated above the others.

A clear, pristine voice suddenly filled the room. "All systems are green captain." It said directly into Casey and everyone else's mind. "The Dawn Star is fully functional and ready to travel back to Draconian." Draconics had no A.I. Technology, at least no pure A.I, but this sufficed. A draconic was, in essence, sacrificed with the building of each new ship, becoming huge and binding with the metal around it. The huge dragon herself was in essence the Dawn Star, and she felt everything the ship felt, and controlled its every function. Truly a marvel of Space age technology, it was only in this way that Draconics could traverse space.

"Delay that." Silvia said. "We are changing course. Set a path for Aquamaria. I need to meet with the emperor there." Silvia got some looks for that, but no one argued or hesitated and the ship made a sweet soft sound in everyone's head to show that the order had been received and accepted. "Order accepted, path is being charted. Where is our navigator?" Silvia didnt even flinch at the question and quickly replied. "She is busy in engineering at the moment. Can you plot the course yourself?" The ship made the soft sound again and the huge dragon nodded gently. Since Debbie was the navigator, she and the ship were almost always linked mentally, she knew the path to the home world of her navigator well. "Good, then please do so." Silvia said stiffly.

Suddenly, a red beams of light soared out of the dragons eyes into the depths of space. For several minutes the ship didnt move, and then suddenly it made the soft noise one more and the beans in its eyes turned green before disappearing. "Path plotted. Setting course for Aquamaria."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 11-07-2009, 12:45 PM