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Mercurial Misfortune (Reg|Crim|Matt Twin RP)
As silence ushered over the crowd, the principal began. "I welcome you all to Al-Revis Academy. It is times like these where..." He trailed off, continuing to speak for a few more minutes of their place and everything before tipping off, saying. "That is all, classes start tomorrow."

With that everyone slowly began to shuffle out of the room, after a few moments, both Kyosan and Nathan went walking out. As Nathan continued to walk on, the brown-haired man stopped outside the hall, pausing for a moment. "Now just how to get about doing this.." He thought quietly to himself.
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RE: Mercurial Misfortune (Kyo|Crim|Matt Twin RP) - by Kurtz - 11-02-2009, 12:48 PM