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Cool for Cats
This is a request I'm fulfilling for CloneWarrior and I gotta say; it's pretty unusual. Then again, it's pretty creative. I mean, who ever heard of cat rape? Lol. Anyway, here ya go CloneWarrior :D

Jacob, a 14-year old teenager, was in the house alone,slouched on his couch watching TV. There was nothing good on so he just stuck with the Animal Planet channel. It was a documentary on cats; lions, tigers, wildcats, household cats, etc. Jacob had almost fallen asleep, when he heard a noise. He sat up and looked around. On the window sill he saw a large, strange looking cat jump down, run over to him, and leap onto his lap. He stared at the cat and the cat stared at him. "where did you come from?" Jacob wondered.

He shrugged and began to pet the cat. Then, in a lightning-fast movement, the cat grabbed Jacob's shorts with his claws jumped backwards, taking the shorts with him. Jacob, now flabbergasted, quickly looked where his shorts had been and saw only underwear. He glared at the cat who took his shorts and was about to go after him, when he heard more noise. It sounded like hundreds of tiny footsteps moving towards the window. They entered the house and Jacob gasped at what he saw.

"T-there's h-hundreds of cats."

The cats swarmed Jacob and pinned him to the couch, tearing at his clothing. Piece by piece, Jacob's clothes came off, until there was nothing on him but his bare body.

"What the hell?!" Jacob shouted angrily. He tried to get up, but the swarm of cats kept him down. Suddenly, Jacob started to feel pain all over his body.

"OW! What the, ouch! What's going on?! AAHH!"

Jacob learned the horrible truth; every cat that could come in contact with his body was humping him furiously.

"G-get off me!" Jacob screamed, but the cats paid no attention and continued their raping assault. Jacob could feel their raging erections grow as hundred of tiny cat dicks were pounding against him; his face, his chest, his stomach, his thighs, his legs, his crotch, even his dick. Jacob was get some form or fashion of pleasure from this, but he wanted it stopped. Then, hovering above his head, he saw another cat. This one, however, was female and pretty big for a cat. She leaped onto his chest and started licking his dick. Jacob felt a wave of pleasure soar through him now and his hormones took control as he started to lick the she-cat's cunt.

"Meow!" The cat yelped and she began to lick faster, as did Jacob.

At the front door, away from the raping scene, Jacob's girlfriend, Maria, walked in. The first thing she saw was a cat, sitting in front of her, looking at her curiously.

"Ohhhh!" Maria squealed as she picked up the cat "Well, aren't you just the cutest thing?"

Some of the cats on Jacob noticed Maria entered and they leaped off of Jacob and slyly moved toward her. Then, without a word of warning, they pounced and tore at her clothing. Maria, however, had her attention on giving baby-talk to the cat in her hands and didn't notice what was happening to Jacob or herself. She suddenly felt a small breeze come from the open window.

"Why is it so cold in here?" she wondered.

She gasped as she saw the reason. She was standing in the house completely naked. Dozens of cats stared aat her with their gleaming eyes and then pounced. Maria was toppled to the floor and the cats quickly began humping her with their already erected cat cocks. They humped her face, her breasts, her thighs, her crotch, her legs and her butt. She could even feel a couple tiny dicks hump in and out of her cunt. She screamed, but to no avail. Both were continuely raped by the cats, with Jacob now pulling his dick in and out of the large female cat's cunt.

"Ahh,ahh." both humans moaned, as they were now feeling a surge of pleasure rush through them. Both were coming close to an orgasm as well as the cats.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Both Jacob and Maria screamed.

"MEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWW!" the cats wailed. Everyone in the room came.

The cats scurried out through the window and front door, some covered in Jacob's and Maria's cum. When every cat had left, Jacob and Maria sat up and looked at each other. Both were naked and drenched in cat cum. Jacob ave a small grin.

"Well. I did want pussy, but I never thought I'd get it from a "pussy"cat." Jacob laughed at his joke, but Maria was not impressed. She gave him the How-the-hell-can-you-say-that-now? look. Jacob's laughter quickly faded when he saw her expression. Both were silent for some time, until Jacob finally spoke up.

"Let's promise not to tell anyway about this indicent."

"Agreed." Maria replied.


So how did you like that CloneWarrior (and anyone else who replies)? Did it fit your cat raping needs?
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

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Messages In This Thread
Cool for Cats - by Venin - 11-01-2009, 01:04 AM