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Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Alexis throws open the door just as Yuna and John hit the floor. Alexander looks over at her and smiles.

"Wow." He says with a bit so surprise. "You look just like you mother."

Alexis roars going into an absolute rage. "BASTAAARD!!" She pounces after him but unfortunately one of the other knights steps in front of him and takes her sword in the chest. Alexander, Ben and the other one jump back in surprise and she takes that chance to toss the body aside and run into her bedroom.

She tips her dresser over to block the door and runs into the tunnel, grabbing Danny and dragging him along in the process. "TOO LATE!! LET'S GO!!" She yells as she runs down the tunnel and seals in behind her.


"Forget her!" Alexander shouts as Ben starts after her. "We have all we need, forget about that one." He says coldly as he looks over John and Yuna's unconscious forms. "Take the back to base, NOW!" He orders the three remaning soldiers.

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RE: Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by blankmind12 - 10-30-2009, 12:17 PM