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Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Alexis nods her head and tries to think. "Danny, if things do go bad here I want you to run down this tunnel." She crouches down and opens her bag of weapons. As she speaks she pulls out a something Danny had never seen before. It looked like a lawn mower blade attached to a motorcycle handle. "If trouble starts I'll-" She gasps, cutting off her planning. "*sniff sniff* It's...It's HIM!" She snarles, gripping her sword tighter.


To Yuna's eyes the world is still moving in slow motion and she sees John's strike coming clear as day. Without thinking she whips her arm around and grabs hold of John's hand, stopping it just an inch away from her feet. This time she can't help but smile. "!"


Alexander does a double take, not even hearing the last part of Gato's brief. "My...My daughter? Alexis? She's alive?" He looks elated as she hugs Gato again. "Oh, what a wonderful day for the Brotherhood! Your father would be so proud of you! Come on men let's go!" He calls out before starting toward the entrance of Alexis' hide-out. He has a bright smile on his face but anyone with a brain could see the look of greed and lust for power in his eyes.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by blankmind12 - 10-29-2009, 04:23 PM