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Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Alexis gasps as the alarm goes off and snears ferociously. "That stupid bitch!" She curses before jumping to her feet and opening a nearby cabinet, containing several different weapons. She pulls out an assult rifle and tosses it to John. "Gato found a way to activate her homing beacon! We need to go NOW!" She grabs her sniper rifle, tosses the rest of the gear in a large bag and runs into her bedroom.

"What's going on!?" Yuna exclaimes when alexis bursts into the room. Alexis doesn't answer, instead she hands Yuna small handgun and helps Danny stand up.

"No time! Come one we have to leave!" Alexis cries as she pushes aside the room's dresser, revealing a hidden passage.

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RE: Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by blankmind12 - 10-29-2009, 01:44 PM