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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
D nodded, and suddenly stopped as something dawned on him. "I'm sorry. Here I am ranting, while you...well...What happened to you is worst. My wounds will heal, I'll be able to figure things out mostly, but you..." he sighed. He leaned forward and placed a hand on Rena's shoulder, trying to be supportive.

"I, and Aurora, owe you our lives. If there is anything, we can do to make up for it, don't be afraid to ask," he patted her shoulder, and grinned. "Hey, what kind of food you like? You, me, and Aurora can all go get some of it? Maybe have a party to celebrate being alive? How many people can say they met a demon and lived, huh?" he said, trying to make her feel better. " know...I'm sorry for insensitive like that. My bad," he said, looking at the ground in guilt.

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by TempZero - 10-24-2009, 04:10 PM