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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
I am here for you, Orihime...I am here. Alex's voice echoed through the girl's mind, and, if she allowed, would hear his voice trying to give her advice. Ask her to calm down. Tell her, first off, I have not hurt you. Tell her, that I do not always force my lovers into calling me Master. Only when I see it is fit to address me as so. Tell her, when I allow it, you may simply call me Alex, but only when I allow it. Tell her, that I have not touched you, against your will... he advised. I am here for you, Orihime. You are never alone, and I will try to help you, he promised.


"B-but Master!" Sakura moaned, but obeyed her lord. She squeezed her her hands into fists and continued to eat. At times, she bit her lip, trying not to lose her mind, or worst...Disobey her Master. "M-Master..." she whimpered, but continued to eat, even when she felt her slug child poke it's head out.

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by TempZero - 10-20-2009, 01:50 PM