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Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
"Hmm, interesting." Alexis says before inserting the tape and pressing play. Soon Alexander's voice starts speaking through the player.

'Today's subject is, I'm sorry 'was' Michael Callico. After my men removed him from his home last night we attempted to use the alien equipment to alter his body and mental capacities in order to make him immune to pain and perfectly loyal. Unfortunatly without the alien DNA nessecary to make them work properly all we succeded in doing was killing him, quiet painfully I might add. I take some solace that his infant daughter Gato shows much promise. Perhaps one day when Angel in complete she'll be worth more than that useless sack of meat.'


After a few seconds of danny sucking on her breast Yuna gasps as milk started to pour out of her breast and into his mouth in surprising amounts.

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RE: Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by blankmind12 - 10-11-2009, 12:04 PM