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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
"Aw, she's scared." Lori says with a smirk as she and her sisters climb on the bed and crawl over to her. Chuckling she lifts her hand and slowly inches it towards the shaking bunny. However rather than causing harm she starts gently rubbing Lopmon's back. "There there Lopsy. Relax." She says tenderly.

"Tee-hee, we're not going to hurt you silly." Natasha giggles as she curls up next to her like it was a slumber party.

Onyx joins her on Lopmon's other side. "We just want to help you get over TC. After what he did ZZ thought you could use a good long laugh session, right girls?"


"Ack!!" BM cries out and turns bright red. He shakes his head to avoid Tim's tongue. "Knock it off guys this isn't funny!"

"Really?" Blake asks, faking a surprised look. "Cause seeing you blush like that while you're at our mercy is pretty funny." Chris laughs along causing poor BM to blush even more.


Dona smiles and scoops up another spoonful of mush for TC. "That's a good bunny. You'll see as long as you two behave this will be a lot of fun!"

Tigress moans at this and shifts around uncomfortably in her highchair as a whole new problem presents itself, she really needed to use the bathroom.

Messages In This Thread
The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by Tank Cop - 10-01-2009, 02:32 PM
RE: The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by blankmind12 - 10-07-2009, 07:30 AM