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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
"Huh?" BM says drowsily as he wakes up. He springs back to reality when he sees Zig-Zag and the others have him and Lopmon pinned down. "Hey!" He yells as he struggles to get free. Unforunately the large wolverine and ox are too srong for him and have no trouble keeping him still.

"Oh, nothing." ZZ says innocently as she prepares the needles. "I just want to make sure you two don't have a change of heart about your former lovers before Dona has her fun." She then grins and approaches Lopmon with the first needle.

Tigress coughs as a bit of soap dribbles down her chin but she keeps still out of fear of Dona's wrath. She sniffles and sobs at the humiliation of all this.

Dona meanwhile holds the spoon up to TC's mouth. "Ok baby bunny, here comes the choo-choo train! Toot-toooot!" She says playfully as she moves the spoon of goo towards TC.

Messages In This Thread
The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by Tank Cop - 10-01-2009, 02:32 PM
RE: The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by blankmind12 - 10-06-2009, 01:06 PM