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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
TC see's the robotic hand with the gag come close to him too. "No wait BM, Loppy you got it all wrong I was just pratc......BBBBRRRMMMMMMM!" A gag as tight as Tigress is put around my mouth as I wiggle and moan to be free.


Lopmon glares at TC. "I loved you TC. Now that you have shown how you really are its over between us. I think it over for Tigress and BM too, infact." Lopmon goes over to BM and puts her arms around him at his side. "Maybe I should get me a REAL man to love. What do you say BM want to be my new kids DADDY some day soon?" Lopmom then kisses BM deeply on the lips knowing it will make TC die inside.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Messages In This Thread
The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by Tank Cop - 10-01-2009, 02:32 PM
RE: The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by Tank Cop - 10-02-2009, 03:34 PM