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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
BM laughs at TC's comment, like it said to in the script and gets ready to let himself go in the girl's mouth. "Hope, you like creamy filling fatty!" He screams as he finally lets himself cum hard into the Bethany's large maw. As he tries to catch his breath he waits for TC to finish and for Zig Zag to say her magic words: 'A-nd Cut!'

"Really?" Tigress askes in a amused tone. "Well you don't have to worry about that happening again. Po actually used to do that to me but he stopped after I threatened to nail his nuts to the wall." She laughs a little remembering her #1 fan. "But you're right, he's really sweet. Then again TC's quite the catch himself." She adds, taking a sip of her tea.

Messages In This Thread
The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by Tank Cop - 10-01-2009, 02:32 PM
RE: The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop) - by blankmind12 - 10-01-2009, 03:04 PM