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Magical Bonds (An RP for Casey The Demon and Silver)
Kase shivered and wondered for a moment. What do demons treasure? Well, this one seemed to like his pendant...but demons generally speaking liked only one thing. A soul. But his soul was off limits! No price was high enough, at least not for the whole thing! He began to try to think of a way to get what he wanted without surrendering hid pendant or his soul to the demon and mentally snapped his fingers.

"H-How about we make a pact where I dont particularly ask for something, and you dont particularly get anything until an occasion arises. Like...lets say I need to learn a new spell, I can ask you to help me, and you name your price, and I agree and we trade." He hoped she would go for it, though in all honesty he wasnt about to trade her anything that had to do with his soul or pendant, he was far to loyal to both his heritage and spirit to do that. What this meant for Lilith was that the more he relied on her, the more he would ask for her help, and the more of his soul she would get. It was like making a bunch of little pacts in the context of one big pact.

Kase may not be good at magic, but he wasnt stupid either, and as Numair's great great grand child Lilith should have expected as much. The problem was that she would not be able to kill him until she managed to win over his entire soul, which she would have to take piece by piece. Still, she was immortal, and time probably went by very differently for her. If anything, time was something Lilith had on her side, and killing Kase all at once wouldnt be a very savory vengeance.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: Magical Bonds (An RP for Casey The Demon and Silver) - by Maero - 09-29-2009, 02:33 PM