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Magical Bonds (An RP for Casey The Demon and Silver)
Lilith just chuckles at him when Kase realizes she is a demon. "Yeah so what if I am one?" she retorted back at him. She chuckles when the little fox mentions that summoning a demon was a capital offense that gave her an interesting idea. Even the fox boy never did truly summoned her, she could easily play it off as if he did. "Well do realize your the one who summoned me, since your the only one in the room," she said looking at his roommates side of the room. "Earlier you tried to summon a familiar to help in you. You summoned me by mistake," she grinned darkly.

Lilith pinned Kase to the wall, "So the authorities will lock you up and throw away the key," she stated. Then she leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "More than likely though they will execute you for summoning an S class demonness." She pulled away, "So make a pact with me and no one will find out that you brought me to the mortal world. Besides I can make it worth your while if you know what I mean?' she asked while giving the boy a seductive look. The demonnes placed a hand over her chest and moved down her body slowly.

Lilith's body began to change once more as her skin turned blueish gray once more wings started to sprout from her back. "No... you won't take control...," she growled as Lilith once again change back to normal. Lilith knew about her other personality that resided in her body it only took control when she was weak which was often this past years. "Now make the pack or I kill you like I did with Numair," she said thinking this could be one of his descendants.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Magical Bonds (An RP for Casey The Demon and Silver) - by Casey the furry one - 09-27-2009, 10:18 AM