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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Ah, yes," Alex smiled and moved his hands. Suddenly the soap was floating in the air, and cleaning Orihime all by itself. Another car of soap did this to Hinata, cleaning them both with him sitting next to them. "Ahem. I have an announcement," he stated, and looked at Ino and Sakura. "So listen up!" he added.

"We are going to a party of a friend's of mine. It will be a fancy party, and I will have special dresses for each of you. A lot of people will be there, and want you all on your best behavior. My friend, Mike, is like me. He and I collect girls from various realities, into our own personal harems. I won't bore you with the details of him, and I, rather, I want to set some ground rules," he said and stood up and placed his hand on a small, cupid statue that was there for decorations. "During the party you will be near me at all times and go only where I tell you to go, do only what I tell you to do, and speak to only those I tell you to speak to. I have established a mental link with each of you, so if you have questions just think of them..."

And I will answer he said on all links, except Tenten's.

"If you're good, then I'll treat you nice, give you lots of happy gifts, and the such," he smiled. Suddenly the statue he had his hand on began to shake, his hand squeezing and soon destroying the piece of rock, reducing it to pieces. "ANY OF YOU WHO CAUSE TROUBLE WHO MESS THIS UP...What happen to this statue, will happen to your mind!" he roared, before sighing. "I like to think you girls know me. I hate pain. I prefer pleasure, as I expect you girls do. I do not want to hurt you, or punish you, I love you all to much to do that. But I will hurt you, and I will cause you pain if you mess this up. Remember that...Just please, ladies. Do be good...For your sake."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 09-03-2009, 09:45 AM