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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
All the girls were brought before their master (Where are they being brought to?), most were broken, or seemed that way, but two were still bound. Going down the line of them from left to right was Orihime. She stood shakily on her legs, which she had not used in three days, two clones helping her stand, her arms over their shoulders while they each kept one hand on her stomach and another on her ass. "M-Master." Orihime said with tears in her eyes. Her eyes looked weaker, dulled, it was clear that her petting session had shattered her quite thoroughly. "P-Please dont ever leave me again." She begged fearfully. "Its not safe..."

Next was Sakura, who was helping Ino, who had her arms bound. Even though her arms were bound though, she was not struggling. She leaned heavily on Sakura, her legs trembling a little. "Master, is Ino going to be OK?" Sakura asked. Ino was moaning softly, her eyes closed as she seemed to go through several small orgasms. If Alex bothered to look, he would find that roughly a quarter of his jutsu remained inside her, and was making her cum and feel pleasure passively. She whimpered softly with each orgasm, her thighs dripping wet.

"M-M-Master..." Ino moaned, her eyes opening a crack. "I-If I submit...will I be with Sakura always?" She shivered as she spoke and squeaked softly as she came again.

Lastly was Tenten, who was also bound at the hands and on her knees, struggling and biting on her ball gag, which the clones had applied after she bit them several times. "That one is not ready." One of the clones said, holding his sore arm, and others around him agreed. Tenten would not be so easily broken, not like the others. She wanted success, and she wanted Negi, Alex had nothing to pull over her eyes.


Mike knocked on the door before he entered Peach's room. "Are you ready?" He asked as he entered, looking around for her. "I want you to meet my other subjects, the ones who will be coming with you to a party I have set up. A party that I want you to behave in. Do you understand?" He pulled out the peach as he spoke, and to the starved princess it must have looked like a diamond the size of her fist.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 09-02-2009, 11:21 PM