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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Ino cried out and screamed in frustration as Sakura screamed in ecstasy. "You are my master! I love you master!" Sakura declared as she came again and again. "Please never stop master, please keep me forever!" She begged him as he fucked her. Ino wiggled her but and shook as hard as she could. "Noooo! Please! Please!" She begged him. "Please dont leave me l-like this...please...I need to cum...I need to cum so bad...master..." She said, tears streaming down her eyes.


Mike growled and said "I guess you shall fall then. Very well, but I will not break you easily, you will enjoy none of this, you will beg for mercy, and if you are sincere, I may grant it to you. Suddenly the plane began to land and the sat down in a small dark island made of volcanic rock that had been created not ten minutes ago. They landed on an unnaturally smooth plate of rock and soon Peach would hear footsteps as someone, or several someones boarded the plane. "It is a shame princess, I will not take pleasure in this." Mike said, and then smirked. "Well, not to much anyways."

The doors suddenly flew open and standing right behind peach were three of Mike's new minions. They seized Peach by both her arms, one on each and the other simply observed and was ready for any surprises, all of them silent. "They are my followers, I created them, I control them." Mike said as they stood peach up and began to either walk or drag her outside. Once there they rejoined with a whole squad of other minion and all but those that held peach bowed to him. "Clear that plane of Any toads I might have missed, slaughter any you find. Then dismantle this plane and make sure it can not be found or tracked. Failure is the same as oblivion, you all understand this." They all nodded and moved off to do as they were told.

As for Mike and peach, they began to walk up the summit of the volcano with an escort, the two always holding peach. Mike smiled, this was, in fact, the start of Peach's torture. She would be forced to walk all the way up the mountain, for hours, or be dragged painfully by the minions. Mike himself would walk as well, but his body felt no pain and did not grow weary, like those of his minions. They walked in silence and none of the minions would respond to anything Peach said, not to curses or please or anything. It would take them a full four hours to walk to the summet, where Peach got the first look at her new home. Mike's castle.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 08-31-2009, 07:19 AM