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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Mike smiled and walked over to Rukia, gently taking her from the tentacles, which retreated away from him when he wished them to. He held her bridal style in his arm and smiled down at her body, slick with sweat and slime. "How do you feel love?" He asked her.


Sauske shrugged. "I cant get the scroll away from her, not when she is holding it like that." He said punitively. "But dont worry, she wont use it." He said as he calmly walked towards her. Tenten looked as though nothing were happening and stayed still even as Sauske walked up to her and gently opened her hand, taking the scroll and walking back to Alex with it, handing it to him. Suddenly, Tenten, who had not moved and inch, gasped and closed her hand, finding nothing but air there. "Wha-what happened?!" She said in a panicked voice as she looked around herself for the scroll. Sauske's blood line trait had easily taken over Tenten's mind and frozen it temporarily so that he could take the scroll from her. Now Tenten was just a small frightened child, bleeding to death in front of an army of people who were stronger than her.


Ino shook her head around vigorously, despite the pressure it created between her legs. "No! Get away!" She screamed, doing her best to keep the ball gag out of her mouth. But eventually she would be caught and the gag would go in. She screamed from behind it and bit it but she could not get it loose.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 08-27-2009, 07:24 AM