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The Danger of a Legend (DamienCreater and Backlasher)
(This is a private RP between me and Backlasher, no-one else may join)

There is a rather large forest, nearly 100 miles in diameter placed neatly on the outskirts of a heavily populated town. It balances itself on a mountain side and the foothills and plains below. Mystery surrounds this forest, many people claim that there is a huge city buried deep inside the forest. Not many people paid this rumor mind until recently, people have been vanishing, mainly people who have went in search of the city, to prove it was a lie or its existence. Skeptics believed the people just got lost in the woods, others believe it is related to the city itself. However all these are just urban legends, no truth behind them. Aren't I right?

A dirt trail runs through the forest, about halfway and stops at a camping site. Our story starts there.

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Soft yellow sunlight filtered through the towering trees. Some leaves glowed a yellow-green as the sunlight passed through them. A lone red squirrel dashed onto a long path of dirt, searching for its lunch, as it was spring its winter supply has just ran out. It looked up quickly as a loud rumbling noise could be heard. A wall of yellow was heading straight towards the small creature. Quickly is dashed out of the way.

The yellow wall, more specifically a school bus drove through the tranquil forest. Inside were Sophomore and Jr. high-school students ranging from ages 15-17. A rather young women stood at the front of the bus, she held a clipboard in her hand. "Everyone quiet down!"she shouted, her voice however became drowned out from the excessive noise of the students. Boys and girls were shouting, laughing with there friends. A paperball flew and hit a random kind in the back of the head. Fed up with the noise the teacher reached down and grabbed a red whistle that was tied around her neck with a thin red rope. Calmly she lifted it to her lips, some smarter students who saw the whistle covered there ears, and blew. A high pitched screech echoed through the bus silencing the students immediately.

"Now that I got your attention,"the women muttered shrewdly. "I have to give you your assignment." With that she began walking down the isle handing out papers to each student,"You we be observing plant and wildlife and write down any observations you make of them. In a week I want these papers handed back with an essay of how the wild and plant life support each other based on your observations." The students gave out a collective moan as the teacher walked back to the front of the bus and sat down.

At the very back of the bus sat a dark lump, more specifically a male student, age 16, named Drake. He was dressed completely in dark colors. His long sleeved shirt was a dark blue and his pants and even darker green. Over his feet were black socks and black sneakers. Over his yellow-green eyes were a pair of rectangular glases with a thin black frame. Even his hair was a dark brown, it was seven inches long and covered his ears and the frames of his glasses, his hair was brushed to the right to keep it out of his eyes. The reason why I described him as a lump, was because in his position he was one, was was slouched in the seat with his knees pulled up to his chest. The only thing that reminded you he was a human and not a pile of clothes was his hands around his knees and the fact that the sunlight reflected off his glasses. If he stood up he would be 5'4"

Next to the lump of a boy sat a japanese boy named Anthony, age 16. In the seat infront of Johnny and Drake sat two girls and one boy. An African American girl named Cassie, age 15. A Irish and Hebrew boy named Johnny, age 16, and a 'white' (really just a mixture of to many races to count) girl named Susan, age 17.

"So anyone heard of the city said to be hidden in these woods?" Anthony, aka the class clown, asked leaning forward to the three infront of him.

"You know that is just an urban legend,"replied Susan, aka the only-believes-what-she-can-see, and a jerk, kind of person. "Wow, I knew you were dense but I didn't think you would believe such a ridiculous story."

Anthony opened his mouth to speak up fro himself but was cut short by Johnny, he doesn't have a description... poor him... "There have been people disappearing in the forest lately, not even any bodies were found..."

"Yeah I think we all heard about it, so what?" injected Cassie, the sensitive-to-other-people's-feelings, girl.

"Well maybe we can sneak away and go search for it!" Anthony replied with energy,"Just think if we actually found it!"

"Well it is better than doing a stupid report,"muttered Susan,"even if it doesn't exist."

"I agree with Susan on this one,"Johnny and Cassie both said at once, both noticed and looked away blushing. It was obvious they had something for each other.

"What about you Drake?"Anthony asked with a bit more joy than he should have and slapped the black lump on the back.

The slap cause Drake to let his legs fly out so he was sitting normally in the seat. His glasses at the tip of his nose. Calmly he pushed them back to their original position,"And risk getting lost? I don't think so,"he replied glaring at Anthony. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Besides, what are the chances of a city hidden in the woods? That is highly illogical, with human advancement we would have found anything like that, seriously guys forget about it."

Cassie frowned. "I guess Drake is right, we see helicopters fly over that forest all the time, they would have spotted something if it was there."

"So the search is off then..."Anthony mummbled leaning back in his seat sighing.

Drake however didn't entirely believe he own reasoning's. "Oh right, Anthony I've been meaning to ask you, my sister needs a compass for her science project, dealing with magnetics, could I borrow your compass, that I know you always carry around for my sister?"he asked.

Anthony nodded sighing. "Sure, you can keep it, I don't use it anyway, its a good excuse to get rid of it,"he replied reaching into his pocket and handed Drake a compass.

"Thanks,"Drake said pocketing the compass.

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It was 2:00P.M., Drake had snuck away from the others around two hours ago. "I give up, I won't find it at this rate... what was I thinking?" Drake asked himself sitting down on a rock and taking out the compass. "West is..."he stopped,"Uhm..." The compass needle was spinning out of control, it wouldn't indicate where north was. "Great its broken... how am I supposed to get home now, I'm an idiot..."

"I could call for help,"Drake said suddenly putting the compass in his pocket and taking out his cell phone and flipped it open. He was greeted by a large black, Out of Range, flashing on the screen. "Just wonderful...."
The world is one twisted fucked up place, bring a hard hat and an open mind when you leave the safety of your house.

[Image: sigya.png]

Messages In This Thread
The Danger of a Legend (DamienCreater and Backlasher) - by Damien - 08-10-2009, 11:58 PM