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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Name: Does not remember
Age: Hardly matters
Sex: Female
Measurements: Look at the pick
Other: She has no memory of who she is or where she is from. She can speak in all languages and learn things quickly, but is naive about everything around her. Her powers will slowly start to turn up as she comes across them but currently is powerless.


Thunder and lightning blasted through heaven and earth as the battle raged. Yet again the demons attempted to gain access to heaven, and again the Cherubim came to stop them. That battle that followed what great and terrible, but one by one the demons fell. Finally only one remained and one of the strongest angels among them came down to do battle with him. That battle was long and hard but finally the angel struck the telling blow. But just as she tuned away, the demon rose once more and struck her hard with all his might, tearing her armor asunder and blasting her with a tidal wave of evil energy. And both of them fell, armor falling away and disappearing as they descended. But unlike the demon, who fell into hell, the angel fell from the skys of heaven and fell unto the earth.

Rain poured hard that night and lighting flared across the sky as though the heavens were in combat with each other. But that night something fell with the rain and thunder. A soft form, falling onto the earth amidst the storm. She fell into a park, colliding and denting a swing set. She fell to the ground in a naked heap of feathers, becoming covered in mud from wing to toe. She looked up and around an did not know where she was, or what she was, or who she was. She knew nothing save the pain from the collision with earth and the cold of the rain, the slickness of the mud that covered her quivering body. Her wings came over her head to protect her from the rain as she curled up and shivered. Even in her old memories she had never felt hot or cold, since heaven was perfect. Never had she felt dirty or hurt, even when wounded in battle. These things only existed on earth, and she was afraid.

Dropped in a world she did not understand, with no memories to call her own, alone amongst the chilling, pouring rain and the loud roar of thunder, she curled up into a ball and began to cry, which was the only thing she seemed to understand how to do.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM