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Diablo II (private for me and Crimson Fox)
Diane grunted when she was knocked to the ground, "Don't the barbs are venomous," the druid yelled. She quickly transformed her body taking a large barely from as fur soon appeared as her face became bear like soon she was in her werebear form but not just any werebear an ice werebear, her fur was as white as new fallen snow. Then quickly pushed Rayna out of the way of another barrage of quills as they struck her in the side. The ice in that was running threw her veins quickly neutralized the venom since it couldn't handle the cold. A few second later her fur turned back to brown losing snow white look it had a moment ago as she became a normal werebear once more.

Casey nodded at Ada as he stood up again and held up his own paw as it glowed black as he chanted using the dim vision curse to cause the monster's own vision to dim.

The quill rat vision became so dark that it couldn't see the ice bolt that was flying right for it. The ice bolt struck with precision killing the quill in once swift blow.

Soon Diane transformed back into her human form as she stood there panting heavily as she from the strain of becoming a ice werebear. She then looked over at Rayna, and smiled some, "I am okay no harm done," she said as he pulled out the venomous quills slowly as she used her powers as ice sorceress to cover the wounds in ice.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Diablo II (private for me and Crimson Fox) - by Casey the furry one - 07-26-2009, 02:36 PM