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Legends of Tremear. ~The Portal Stones Saga, Krail's Return~
It was one of those days, One of those days when the normal people wished nothing would happen to wreck their lives as it has within the last few years, strange phenomenons raging from a fire breathing three headed dog to the strange Children with the missing eyes. The little town of WestFall had had enough of this. But they had no idea what had caused these occurrences.

"I think its mutations going on at the Genetics lab a few miles down the road, once I saw a strange bat thing when I was taking a tour of the place." "No, I think its magic. You know what these children do now adays they are conjuring up these things to harm us" "Magic? Genetics? Psh! It is the wrath of god! The rapture is coming and these are the first signs of the apocalypse, we are all doomed to die and only few will be saved from the fire!"

The towns people were going crazy from these things, so many ideas popping up left and right none knew what was really happening except three children....

~Legends Of Tremear~
-The Onyx Dragoneye-
By: Shane Michael Rusling

"So Selrea, what is your idea on the subject? Should we use the rings and go to Tremear today Or do we just go get Pizza?" Jacob asked, his long dark hair blowing in the wind for a brief second before the fan turned away, this boy was strange, His hair in its strange 'Emo' style according to many of the other students and it matched his pale ivory colored skin in almost perfectly, his tall lanky figure and clothing three sizes to big. And to top it off he is not even a hundred percent human! During the first trip to Tremear Selrea and Jacob learned that he is part Korla, an Ancient race of half Feline like people long extinct and that his blood contains the purest rawest magics possible in the entire land, he learned from the one known as William, that only he could restore the Korla race to Tremear.

"And so I have to dull....I don't care ether way" Selrea said. This girl....Well.... From her waist length red hair to her milk like complexion, she was a common girl only with a secret. Selrea was infact the reincarnation of an Ancient Korla Princess of the name Kairi, Though the lacked the true Korla bloodline, The Princess's incarnation held all the power that the true princess once held. Twice the magic had taken over her mind and revived the ancient princess in her body who then unleashed her terrible power both marveling and startling the people of Earth and Tremear. She raised ancient cities from the deepest parts of Northern Tremears seas and with a wave of her hand she sent back an entire army of Undead and their Necromantic Masters to the grave from which they crawled.

"Well...Me and Jacob agree on different things YOU are the tie breaker." Kyle said, this boy...well...He is normal tanned skin and curly blond hair, his eyes were a deep brown unlike Jacobs whose were bright blue and Selrea's who had an Azure hue. Kyle was the newest one to the group, he had fallen into a portal Selrea and Jacob had opened and learned of Tremear. The only thing special about him was that he wore an ancient Elven amulet giving him the ability to speak with animals. He was pure human with no real magical potential.

So here they were, our three 'heroes' or more of troublemakers. They who possess the Portal stones, currently, Three magical rings that when brought together will rip a doorway through time and space, linking the two worlds, Earth and Tremear for as long as they stay connected. Linking the worlds came with a terrible price though, many a time horrors from the Dark and nearly abandoned world of Tremear would seep through the magic rift and terrorize the town of WestFall.

The discover of the portal stones takes us back far, about five years into the past... When Selrea first moved to WestFall, and when Jacob knew nothing about his Heritage as a Korla.

~WestFall, April 7th, 2004. Tomb of Alexander Joroma.~

"I... I don't know Jacob... There is a dead man in there, a-and I don't wanna go in!" Selrea cried, the twelve year old girl wiped the salty tears away from her eyes with her oversized sweater. She had a fear of the dead, and the boy Jacob was daring her to go into the Tomb of his ancestor just to prove that she was brave enough to be his friend.

With a quick push she fell into the Tomb and Jacob slammed the door shut, "Jacob!" Selrea cried out and banged on the stone door, she wasen't strong enough to open it herself, and she knew she was now trapped. "Jacob... please" she said, almost whimpering she turned around very slowly, half expecting Jacob to explode from the Darkness and scare her. Thats when she first noticed it.... The Light, the Eternal Flame burning deep inside the Tomb.

Child of Eve, come to me. Keeper of the key of Destiny, with thy hand you shall see, the ancient power meant for thee a strange voice echoed in her head, and though afraid she drew closer to it. And the closer she drew, the less she grew afraid. Yet, the less she grew afraid, the more she knew she should run and cry for Jacob to release her from the Tomb. Nearer and Nearer she drew to the Light, and from it a small black stone rose.

"...What... who..." Selrea said lost in a daze, and without meaning, she put her hand into the eternal flame and grasped the stone, it was then it first happened. Every torch in the room was lit with blue and green flames, and the first rip in Space had occurred. The First Portal Stone, The Onyx Dragoneye was touched by mortal hands and its power awoken.

The door rushed open and Selrea ran, not dropping the Onyx Dragoneye, not closing the rift. She ran till she could run no more, and then she found Jacob. Who gazed at her in confusion, "How did you... Open the door?" he asked her gently. How indeed, was it not the Dragoneye who had opened the door? The power released from the Rift that had done so.

"Jacob! You Meany! There.... There ..... something weird happened down there, there was a Voice.. .and and...." she fell to her knees and cried, opening her palm to find the Onyx Dragoneye transformed, it was now a small Onyx ring and it was on her hand, though she had not placed it so.

~Inside the Tomb~

The rift pulsated, and an eerie green mist slowly flew from it, they crawled through first, The Draken.... The Dragon Men, The Onyx Dragoneye had opened the gateway to Tremear for the first time in over Three Thousand years. The Dragon men roared with pleasure, fire flew from their mouth and their claws dug deep into the marble floor, "The Blood of Man shall flow... and the world of men shall become the grounds....For the Dark Gods horrors...." a deep voice said softly, from within the rift, two pairs of glowing red eyes pulsated. The eyes could only belong to one being.... A name anyone would know, even if they had never heard it before.

Beauty is like a rose... when it blooms one sees it as perfect... yet as it ages, it withers... and once a rose has withered... who wants to keep it around?

[Image: 2mzldw1.jpg]
My Fursona.
The Sabre Clan

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Legends of Tremear. ~The Portal Stones Saga, Krail's Return~ - by Kubari - 07-21-2009, 08:30 PM