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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion
(OOC: SILVER YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD!!! That's awesome! You have a twisted mind bro ham!)

Blue growled loudly, he wasn't the smartest and most of what he did know was simply how to survive, but even he knew this "Kain...Kain Bloodmoon..." he answered giving Luna apologetic look, he had planned on losing only half of them but had failed that plan.

Lulu sighed at her toys willingness this was too easy, she wasn't used to prebroken pups so this was a challenge "Hmmm, good girl now..." the sadist amazon thought about this before she noticed Julia and grinned wickedly "I want you to break Julia's blood cherry! You see, she hasn't fed since I turned her, and she's starting to look a bit paler than normal."
Lady Devimon's Minions

Messages In This Thread
RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - by Salem A. Delgado - 07-08-2009, 11:43 AM