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The Dome (Digi-Lord, Dea, MorningStar)
Unlike Keia before him Leon was far more resilient to Lufty's electric shocks. Good news since she was still giving off quite a bit of energy. Leon wandered around the corridors at a brisk pace, ignoring the layer of dust that seemed to have built up over everything. His main concern was finding an area that he could contain medical supplies or equipment but he was not having much luck.


Deep within the dome, rarely used systems were beginning to return to life. The arrival of new lifeforms within the interior sparked greater activity in the structures computers than the passive observing it had been doing. Among the activities a door, seamlessly hidden but moments ago, slid open near Keia position. From this door emerged a seemingly mechanical thing. The device promptly ignored Keia and began to inspect the hole that she had caused. After a few seconds appendages extended from within the device and set to work repairing the damage done.

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RE: The Dome (Digi-Lord, Dea, MorningStar) - by Digi_Lord - 07-07-2009, 05:01 PM