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Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle)
"Oh, haha, trying is the word. I'm merely learning about the aspects of Sanity Devour, and I've pretty much grasped the basics. It focuses on tampering with psyches, senses and mirages. This is accomplished by bending light, so I presume light is an important aspect to mastering it." The dingo explained, chuckling lightheartedly. "But it is far too... how shall I put this... deceptive, for my tastes. I do not wish to show people false visions and illusions, so I've been investigating a more supportive branch of my bloodline's lore called Strife Erode." He said softly, bending over and leaning on the counter. "And lucky me, it uses sound as its medium, especially music. I haven't gotten very far with it, but I know enough to contribute more than just money to the town." He added, wagging his tail a little.

"I'm glad to hear that." Alexander said cheerily after hearing that he wouldn't have much trouble with regular magic. "Oh my, Azure Punishment sounds like a most impressive ability indeed." He commented with fascination. Sky and fire? Amazing. His tail wagged even more excitedly when he got a stronger scent of the cheesecake bases. "Oh dear, those smell heavenly."

The dingo watched the baker move around adding this and that to the bases. It was very entertaining and interesting to watch, quite similar to observing an artist or a sculptor working tirelessly on his masterpiece. A few chuckles of amusement escaped his muzzle as he watched, as well as a few soft murmurs as his nostrils caught scents of chocolate and strawberries. In a few minutes, they were done, and looked and smelled almost too beautiful to eat.

"Oh thank you very much, they look absolutely scrumptious! My servants and I thank you." He said delightfully as he propped a small pouch of silvers on the counter. "Please, allow me to pay you, if not for the pastries, then for the conversation and the show." He smiled at the baker in a friendly manner. "Oh yes please, I would love to see one of your Azure Punishment very much. If learning about other races' lore is your hobby, then I'd gladly share some of books with you!" He offered. "I've obtained quite a collection from various traveling merchants, peddlers and auctions. They're quite informative and a very good read."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
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RE: Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 07-07-2009, 11:27 AM