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Games just don't feel worth what they used to.
Games aren't what they used to be, and quite frankly that's to be expected, we ARE second generation (where all the real games came out) after all, so it's truly to be expected. I'm just going to break down all the types and how they've changed...
RPG's- To be honest they're basically movies with gameplay now, the epic stories of olde have been traded budget-wise for better graphics and more epic cutscenes. Stories in these new-type games pretty much suck, but I'd be jizzing my pants if I saw one of the battle cutscenes from Starocean: Till The End of Time back when games were 2D, intricate, and story-based.

FPS- They've pretty much improved in every way compared to the oldies, the only difference is in the oldies, they gave you more options to kill with. Nowadays it's "should we bomb them, or shoot them?"

Puzzle Games- Actually... they have changed, they've started trying to add half-assed stories and give them some kind of meaning. GUYS, WE DON'T PLAY PUZZLE GAMES FOR STORY, AND RPGers DON'T PLAY RPGs FOR PUZZLES, STOP INTERTWINING THEM!

RTS- RTS games have honestly improved, I can say full heartedly that RTS games have made a turn for the better, oh aside from the lack of any REAL strategy anymore ;(

Army Games- I didn't include these "play as a soldier" games in FPS because not all of them ARE FPS. Play as a soldier and shoot things up, or play as a samurai and fight 'till you can't breath. These are a hybrid between FPS and Hack 'n Slashes. What's changed nowadays here is the creation, there was NO old school games were you were just another soldier in a GIANT army.

Hack 'n Slash- No real change here... Aside from graphics.

One of a Kinds: Imagination has plummeted, we don't get nearly as many one of kind epicness like Snake and Tetris anymore. I know some people argue Tetris is a puzzle game, but IMO it's not because it requires reflexes later on.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Games just don't feel worth what they used to. - by MagusKnight - 06-30-2009, 04:11 AM