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Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle)
"Very well then, I really do hope no one minds a half-dressed savage sampling some of your chef's cuisine." Grundy laughed silently, though he felt a little anxious about it as well. He had never been invited to a party before. "Perhaps I can compensate with my best behavior if that's the case. I will meet you in the town square then, my new friend." He bowed his head briefly as a sign of courtesy.

"Me too. Food tastes best when it's free!" Zack chided in cheerfully. "Woah, gee, no problem sir. I'll behave myself when the time comes, I swear!"

"Farewell and goodnight, Sir Reschelle. Good fortune to you and your future wife." Grundy bid their new comrade goodbye. "Till we meet again, in daylight."

"Well, thanks again for helping me out, big guy." The dingo said, stretching a little before wincing as the pain from his wounds hit him like a frying pan. "I gotta get back to the-"

"You will do no such thing." The white wolf interrupted him. "You are injured, and there may be more bandits or killers out there. I can't allow you to leave."

"Aw man, but I can't stay here! Where'll I sleep?" Zach groaned. He was rather tired, and wanted nothing more than to sleep on a warm, comfy bed right now.

"Does mine not suffice?"

"...Fine, where will you sleep?"

"I can't sleep right now, I have to finish a client's commission." The wolf said, limping back out into his forge, where he picked up a hammer and a chisel as well as some varnish.

Zack sighed and laid back against the wolf's bed, folding his arms behind his head. It was warm in the room, quite toasty. The bed wasn't as comfortable as the one in his room back at the inn, but he didn't care about that right now, it felt so nice to be lying down. The bed smelled like the wolf too, it wasn't a bad scent, it was quite welcoming even. It made the bed seem like it welcomed him. He was accustomed to sleeping in others' beds, but this was the first time a bed made him feel so welcome or at home. It was a conundrum! Perking an ear up, he could hear the smith tinkering with what ever it was he was working on, making last minute carvings or decorations to something he couldn't see, only hear. It didn't sound heavy or even metal for that matter. It then occurred to him... the furnace was on, and the room was starting to get rather humid from the heat in the forge.

The dingo pulled his pants down his ankles and kicked them off, feeling a lot better as he tossed the blanket off him. He hoped the smith didn't mind him sleeping in the nude. He was so sleepy that even the sound of Grunder chiseling grooves and woodcarvings didn't ward off the dark, peaceful clutches of slumber. Before he knew it, he was sleeping soundly on his new friend's bed.

[Masquerade's Bakery]

Alexander smiled at the baker weakly and chuckled at himself. "Oh I was just on my way to the smith's hoping to collect my commission earlier than scheduled. I have an important recital for lady Valentine's birthday tomorrow, and one more after that, so I have to make sure that I can familiarize myself with the new instrument." The dingo explained, before covering his muzzle with a handkerchief and coughing into it weakly. He looked up at Masquerade and smiled apologetically, the shadows underneath his eyes did not make it look any less sincere or cheery.

"However, it isn't every day your bakery's open at this hour, is it? I simply love the pastries my servants purchase in your bakery, and couldn't help but stop by." Lord Krauzer explained, chuckling at his own love for sweet things. He was glad he was allowed to eat them, at least his sickness did not affect that. "Have you anything for sale this fine night? I'd like to bring something back for me and my servants to indulge in, and like me, they absolutely love your pastries."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 06-23-2009, 12:04 PM