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Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle)
William's eyes were aglow now. "Yes, Mr. Gyre, that would be most fantastic! Plus, you know those crime lords and such make tons of coin, so the rewards will be great!" He laughed sort of nervously, his heartbeat increasing slightly with anxiety. He turned his attention to the smith. "As for clothes, the attire is optional. I mean, you have to wear something, but you can wear whatever you like. My fiancé and I would be most pleased if you just dressed naturally. It's only a birthday party, after all. No need to be so formal, right? And from what I can tell from your excellent manners, you'll be able to fit in just fine."

William laid the invitations down on a nearby table. "Make sure you bring these with you tomorrow. Since they don't have directions, just meet me in the town square and I'll escort you to the estate via my private coach. Oh! And I wouldn't recommend you eat anything before going, because the chef has went insane and cooked up a wonderful feast for such a simplistic party. There are sure to be many morsels." He smiled and turned to face the door. His face grew gravely serious, but was unseen to his new anthro friends. "The other 12 High Order knights will NOT be at the birthday party, but they will be present at the reception. All of them. So, I pray you do not do anything suspicious in their presence lest you wish to leave the castle in a burlap sack on your way to the cemetary."

At this point, he looked back at the two and winked. "But I'm sure that won't be a problem," he added and smiled. "I bid you my leave, friends. A good night to you, not that the moon won't soon be giving way to new light."

Masquerade was delicately icing beautiful roses on the edges of the different layers, connecting them with delicate vines made of the very same icing. It was difficult to determine whether the cake was food or art. A simple three-layer cake, but with such eloquent designs. The baker most certainly put his heart into his work.

He put his decorating bag down and dabbed the sweat from his brow with a cool towel. Taking a deep breath, for he sometimes forgot to breathe when he was icing, he bowed. "I have been long at work, sir noble, and thus I have decided to leave the bakery open for one set of four-and-twenty hours. After all, tomorrow, I fear that my modest little shop shall be closed. An important birthday is taking place! Well, look who I am talking to. Most surely you will be present?" Masquerade laughed deliriously. "By the gods, I am afraid I have been at my task for much too long! What damage would it do to my reputation if the baker fell asleep right in the middle of the king's niece's birthday? Why, I would never receive business again." He looked over the cake he was so close to finishing and then back at the noble.

"I must apologize. I fear my manners have left to be with the shadows on this dark night," Masquerade spoke calmly and bowed again. "What brings you to this little bakery tonight? My services are able to be taken advantage of by anyone."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle) - by Masquerade - 06-23-2009, 03:37 AM