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Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle)
Grundy grit his fangs together as he fished some pliers and a razor-sharp dagger from his forge. His muteness was a subject he did not want pointed out to him. He was very self-conscious about the disability, mostly because to his people, one's voice was a very sacred part of one's spiritual identity. "Yes, it's true, I cannot talk. It has been this way for nineteen years." The blacksmith explained, kneeling beside his bunk. He watched the man produce a swarm of butterflies in mild wonder. "You are... a practitioner of magic?" He asked, turning to face Zack.

With the dagger, he cut the wounds open a little more and carefully removed the bolts with the pliers, making use of a blacksmith and craftsman's dexterity and precision. Zack had come to during the procedure, peering through his blurry eyes at Grundy as the wolf bandaged him up.

"You didn't have to do that y'know..." Zack murmured gingerly. "I have an awesome recovery rate."

"Had I not removed the bolts, you would've died." Grundy rolled his eyes, and got up. He winced, only now remembering the bolt on his the back of his upper inner thigh. He had one leg forward when it happened, and where it was brought him great pan and discomfort. Had it been any higher, he would've probably lost a testicle! Stepping up painfully onto his bed, he tried to treat himself, but found it hard to do so from his position. It was hard to cut himself when he couldn't see where or how big he had to open the wound. The bolts had hooks in them that prevented them from being yanked out without injuring oneself even more.

"Let me do that." Zack said suddenly, getting up. His back felt so much better now, and he had easily snatched the dagger out of Grundy's grasp.

"Hey-" Grundy furrowed his brows.

"Relax, lie down on your front. You saved my life didn't you? Lemme help you out so you owe me one again." The dingo stuck his tongue out.

Apprehensively, the wolf sighed and laid flat on his front on his bed, legs spread slightly.

The dingo got between the wolf's legs, and winked at William. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm Logan Gyre, jack of all trades, master of one." He chuckled, and lifted the red loincloth that covered Grundy's backside, exposing his prominent, furry white balls and his firm, furry, lower buttcheeks. The bolt stuck out just underneath them, the fur around it stained with red.

Grundy said nothing. There was nothing sexual about this. He just wanted the bolt out.

Zack whistled. "It's in pretty deep." He said, and turned to face William. "And ain't that the cutest butt you ever did see?" He smirked. This statement caused Grundy to try and get up. "Woah- hey! No- don't move! Haha! I was only kidding!" The dingo apologized, and the wolf settled back down. The dingo made a few small incisions, and managed to get the bolt out without too much damage. It was however, a very messy job.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 06-10-2009, 12:19 PM