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Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle)
William shook his head slowly. "I wish not to bother you whilst you treat this devil," he spoke mockingly. His voice was very strange, a sort of indifference plagued it and it contained no anger, no sorrow, and false happiness. "Logan Gyre, eh? No wonder the others could not find him. However, I am quite surprised that the other High Order knights never thought of our Dervish to be using an alias. It is a good thing that I did though. I suppose that King Albert was correct in allowing me to take charge of things." He waved his hand daintly in the air, drawing strange symbols with his index finger.

"By the way, it has occured to me that you have not spoken a single word since our initial encounter on the streets just minutes ago," the knight said in a voice expressing extreme curiosity. "Can you not speak? You had better thank the gods that I am a master of all forms of communication, otherwise...well, I'll leave that to the imagination, in which I hope yours is not full of nightmares." He finished tracing a design in the air that kind of looked like a butterfly. Without much effort, William snapped his fingers and the symbol he had traced glowed bright yellow. In mere seconds, a whole swarm of butterflies with brilliant glowing wings were daintily hovering about the room.

Standing in his doorway, Masquerade thought long and hard about the night's events so far. "I guess it matters not," he muttered to himself. "Tomorrow will be my chance to assess the situation more thoroughly. I get to go to the noble's birthday party after all."

At that moment, horse hooves were heard, clipping and clopping down the cobblestone street. A low knight reigned in the mighty beast as he got closer to the bakery. "You are Masquerade, manager of this bakery, correct?" the knight addressed him.

Masquerade nodded.

With a small nudge of his foot, the knight made the horse walk cautiously up to the baker. The knight reached into a burlap sack and pulled out a card of some sort. "You, sir, are formally invited to Madame Valentine's birthday tomorrow because you are doing her the great honor of making her cake. All the information is present in that invitation. Do not be late, unless you wish to enjoy the party outside the gates." He reached down and handed the card to Masquerade. Without waiting for a response, he snapped the reigns of the horse hard and galloped away without looking back.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle) - by Masquerade - 06-10-2009, 01:46 AM