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Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle)
Nothus set the glass of water down on a nearby wooden table. "Those knights are really getting out of hand. If we hadn't heard that commotion, he probably would have died." Nothus watched as the wounds on the man's body started fading slowly away--slowly, but they were definitely vanishing. He was always astonished by the way Masquerade's sweets cured wounds, and no matter how many times he asked the baker about the secret, Masquerade would kindly turn him down and change the subject.

"Well, it seems the sweet did its job as it always has," Masquerade replied giving off a heavy sigh as he felt fatigue settling in. He stood up to return behind the counter. He examined the remains of the layer of cake he had dropped. "But we still have a problem. Just because the civilians can be cured by my sweets, that doesn't mean that they should be thrashed around. It must be a dreadful experience." He bent down and scooped the ruined layer into his arms and carried it over to the waste bin. With hesitation, he dumped the tasty remains.

"I-I'm sorry about that," Nothus apologized. "Oh! I forgot to mention that I didn't fight those knights alone. I had the pleasure of receiving the aid of a worthless thief."

Masquerade returned to his work. "Well, he must not have been worthless if he helped you." Masquerade smiled mockingly. He looked into the oven to pleasantly see a spare layer for the cake inside. "Excellent. It seems all has not fallen to naught. That was the last layer I had to make, but it's a good thing that I decided to fix a spare!"

"You're not psychic, right?" Nothus questioned in curiosity.

Masquerade winked at him as he reached into the oven without mitts and pulled out the pan that contained the final layer of the cake. He placed it on the counter to cool. "Don't be silly, Nothus. I can't see the future."

"It matters not," Nothus replied, deciding to get back on topic. "There's a problem about the bodies though." Masquerade winced as he heard this. "Yeah, that's right. The thief was more than glad to take the knights's gold, but not dispose of the bodies. Of course, they have no proof that I was behind it, so I think we'll be okay. We're only bakers, right? What harm could we pose?"
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle) - by Masquerade - 06-05-2009, 05:56 AM