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Adventures of the Worlds (ADaD Revive... hopefully)
*Ok, lets see about getting this going again... Also, like before, if anyone has a storyline to start up, feel free to start it ^^*

*Moonlight City - Post Nightmare Battle*

Name: Matt Zero
Age: 23
Species: Human/Spirit Caller
Height: 6"3'
Description: He's a Dark Knight from an alternate world than that of Matt Fenris Sikado, 5ft 10in tall, has dark blond hair, green eyes. His helmet is in the shape of a demon, the face part opens like a mouth, though he doesn't wear it all the time. The armor, Darkness Rose, is flat on the torso area except for the dark gold image of a rose on the center with a circle around it, smooth shoulder pads. The leggings and Steel Boots were also black with metal knee pads over the knees. On his side was a dark colored scabbard with a specialized blade called BlackBlade. Underneith the armor, he has a white T-Shirt and a pair of shorts.
Notes: Has the abilities to seal near death or full form spirits with his main sword, Maritilia.

Name: Misato Renigal
Age: 10 (Looks 18)
Species: Advanced Human (Omega)
Height: 5'4
Description: Wears a long sleeve red jacket with a green shirt underneath and blue colored pants with brown shoes. Has yellow hair, green eyes, fair skin and a set of Armblade devices underneath her sleeves.
Notes: Can use Omega Energies to completely destroy things or to form her Sword and Shield

Name: Mirato Senigal
Age: 10
Species: Advanced Human (Omega)
Height: 4'6
Description: She wears a tattered leather vest with a white shirt covered with dirt and soot. A skirt was around her waist, also slightly tattered, that went down to just above her knees.On her feet, shoes, made from the hide of a Reliriais, a Mystical Beast that rarely makes an appearance in her home world, Kerlari, that has a really tough hide.
Notes: Can use Omega Energies to completely destroy things or make a barrier around herself


****Sunlight City****

People are seen all around the city were continuing their reconstruction of the town after the torrential storm and the invasion of insect-like creatures ravaged the town. Only areas that were open now was the Hotel, Mall and a few other stores. Walking down the streets of one of the main roads were...

Name: Jadeite Curtiss
Age: 28
Species: Human? lol
Height: 6'2
Description: Same outfit as Jade Curtiss, but the gold and silver are switched. Also looks almost like him down to the red eyes.
Notes: Although his Grandfather, Jade Curtiss, never taught him anything of Fomicry, Jadeite is much more adept in Fonic Artes than he is and has even created new ones that Jade has never seen before.

Name: Jacub Carano
Age: 34
Species: Half Human, Half Elf
Height: 5'8
Description: Spiked short brown hair, wears a leather vest over a oil-stained white shirt, leather pants, hard leather shoes, glasses, tanned skin, dark blue eyes,
Notes: He's considered a Master Weapon/Armor smith and a really good mechanic back in his home world, but then again his village doesn't deal with that too much. Has a sister that is an Alchemist and Chemist, Ami Carano.

...and they were talking about the recent events of what happened there.

"A Malestrom and an Invasion..." Jadeite said to Jacub. "Think that they are related somehow?"

"Could be. I've never seen two disasters hit one town at once." Jacub said, thinking on the matter. "At least the other people here are pretty strong about it." They were coming up to the clothing store that had an adult store across from it.

"Indeed..." Jadeite said, looking at his surroundings. He thought of that green girl he met over at that store across the street and shivered slightly at the thought.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Messages In This Thread
RE: Adventures of the Worlds (ADaD Revive... hopefully) - by Chaotic Phoenix - 06-04-2009, 12:13 AM