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Adventures of the Worlds (ADaD Revive... hopefully)
Name: Ray M.
Age: Appears 19 (Real age is unrecorded)
Species: Presumed Human (Infinity Vessel)
Height: 5'10ft
Description: He has pale skin, black, sleek, but messy hair, and eyes as black as night. His build is slender, but not lanky. His outfit consists of a white button-up shirt (wears a white cotton shirt underneath it), black pants and denim sneakers. He also wears a school ID and sometimes a black tie, which he keeps inside his backpack.
Notes: Former vessel of Norse Trickster God Loki. Is docile, but can be unpredictable and is also unstable.

Name: Jo (Jormungandr/Midgardsormr)
Age: Appears 23 (Real age unknown)
Species: Midgard Serpent
Height: 6'0ft
Description: He is a lean, slender young man whose usual attire would be a dark green, almost black, butler-like formal suit with a red ribbon tied around his collar and a black ribbon tying his deep green shoulder-length hair in a neat ponytail. He wears glasses, has green eyes
Notes: Has father issues. Very talented with domestic work. Is also very intelligent, a part time librarian and scholar.

Name: Giro (Kiros Ryogiro Lucian)
Age: Unknown
Species: P.C.C. Wolborg
Height: 6'5ft
Description: An Anthropomorphic bipedal wolf-like creature, Giro's fur is a mixture of various tones of gray and silver, his eyes are the color of a yellow moon, he has a tuft of fur on his head that resembles fuzzy hair, and he has a 2'6 foot long tail. His usual ensemble consists of a pair of leather shoulder armor (shoulder pads) with various straps and belts keeping it firmly in place around his chest and arms. The leather armor covers his shoulders and most of his upper back and a bit of his spine. He carries no weapons, but he does wear various pants, ranging from denim, to military, to slacks. He wears no shoes as there aren't many that would fit him. Hidden under the straps on his chest is the pendant that's part of the dogtags he wears around his neck: It resembles a coat of arms with two swords crossed over a wolf-shaped shield. He also wears semi-fingerless leather and steel plated gloves.
Notes: Not from around anywhere near here. Lives by a set of codes passed on through bloodline that nobody may really get. Is secretly the stars of the hit dog food commercial "Cooldog, Poordog" a commercial for Kool-K9 brand dog food, Sexy Rexy and Scruffy Ruffy. Is hiding multiple talents.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Adventures of the Worlds (ADaD Revive... hopefully) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 06-02-2009, 01:06 PM