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Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle)
Yay~! This role play is strictly between me and Wolven Backlasher, so no outside posters, s'il vous plait! Thank you~!! XD

Here's our story:

Once again, we find ourselves in the country of Dalmaschior, but in a time before any peace has lasted. It is the Chaorian Era, and those that follow Lord Albert Valentine, the Chaos Knight, have persisted in helping him to steal the empty throne of Dalmaschior. So, with much ease, Albert Valentine became the new king of Dalmaschior. Although many cities prospered because of his policies, the capital city of Archaea became a place of depression. King Albert placed many taxes upon the people of Archaea and punished those not rich enough to pay those accursed taxes harshly. He placed the entire city under martial law, allowing his personal soldiers to do as they pleased.
And thus, our story falls upon a single guy and his new friends. A simple baker, this guy is. Though he has no strength, he has determination, courage, and friendship to guide him to liberating the people of Archaea from the Chaos Knight. But what tribulations will the baker and his friends have to go through in order to achieve victory...?

Okay, Ray. Here are my character profiles. (Just follow the example =3)

Name: Masquerade
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Job: Baker
Weapon: Rapier
Orientation: Omni (XD)

Appearance: Masquerade is 5'9" tall and weighs 135 lbs. He has crazy and chaotic brown hair that goes down to his shoulders. His eye color is unknown, for he wears a butterfly wing-shaped mask that covers the top half of his face. On a casual day off, he wears his standard tight-fitting black shirt and white overcoat with cargo pants (his pockets are often full of strange items). When he's working, he wears his baker's uniform with a pure white apron which is often smeared with dough.

Personality: Masquerade is a strange person to many. He is always working his hardest to produce the highest quality baked goods, but his workplace is always hectic. People that pass by his bakery may hear an explosion every once in a while, but only on occasion. He doesn't have many friends, but those who know him well also know that he is a very kind person at heart and only wishes for the welfare of others. Although he hates to admit it, he is also very generous. He knows how it feels to have nothing, and so he often donates some of his products to orphanages and other places of the sort. He is also very humorous and will not hesitate to make light of a serious situation (which often plays out to his advantage).

This guy will seem familiar, eh, Ray?? ^^

Name: Nothus Viper
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Snake-Bird Hybrid
Job: Assistant Baker
Weapon: Lance
Orientation: Bi

Appearance: His body is covered in dark green and black scales. He stands at 6 feet 2 inches and has 2 bird wings with light brown and white feathers with a wingspan of 8 feet. At his knees, his legs become feathery and finally end with two sharp talons. His hands are also talons. His head is covered in very fine brown feathers that very closely resembles hair and flows down to his shoulders. He has two sharp fangs and a forked tongue. His eyes are yellow with slitted black pupils. He typically wears light brown cargo pants and a plain white T-shirt, but he usually wears flowing dark robes to cover his entire body. However, from out of the robes, a long, green, scaly tail emerges.

Personality: He prefers to be alone. He is very insecure about his appearance being part snake and part bird, yet he is really sure of his fighting ability. Although he is a loner, he loves to help people in need and intensely values courage and is very loyal to Masquerade. He hates to be confined and can be annoyed quite easily. Sometimes, he says things he doesn't mean and regrets them later. However, anyone that has ever put up with him have become great friends with him.

Try to limit yourself to 3 characters for now (more can be introduced later and probably will XD) Go ahead and post your profiles and I'll get things started afterwards. This is gonna be fun~! X3
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
Ray and Masquerade's RP (The Struggle) - by Masquerade - 06-01-2009, 11:33 PM