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Volunteers Needed! ~ "The Ultimate Writer"
Hello everybody! You guys probably don't know who I am, at least most of you anyways. I'm ShadowChibi and I am going to be hosting a competition site (A Proboard) called "The Ultimate Writer". Well..


Summary - A undetermined amount of writers will live under one roof and write their way into the spotlight. They will undergo various writing challenges ranging in types such as short stories and poems, and genres such as say romance or even a tragedy. At the end of each challenge one writer will give up his pen and paper and leave right away, until only one remains to become "The Ultimate Writer"!


Challenges - As explained above, there will be a variety of challenges that competitors will go through, all involving some form of creative writing. It can be based on a certain type of writing (ex: short stories, poetry) or genre (ex: romance, tragedy, even western lol). There might even be a few surprises in store..


Scoring Process - Well I'm not going to put out all my eggs into one basket so.. top-secret! Its going to be dramatic and omg though.


Now for this Season its merely a test run. I am going to make the board if I get enough signatures from this and other friends of mine. If the rules work out and if you guys enjoy this competition, then I'll definitely run with another season later! And if not or if I become too stupid to finish the competition, well.. its all my fault.

But yeah, if you guys wanna sign up, just post your username so I know who to PM or IM. :) I really want to give this a go.

Oh.. and the overall theme of the entire competition? It will be Digimon so yeah.


PS: I did get inspiration to do this from someone else, so I will give credit where credit is due!

PSP: I know the rating of this site, but please keep in mind the proboard's TOA as well as the public. There will most likely not be any lemons of nc-17 fics allowed whatsoever. Rules for challenges will be posted everytime one comes up.
I currently have two people who signed and are willing to partake in Season 1 aka the test demo, digimon version of it.. haha. I'll probably wait four about four or five more people before I start this up.
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Messages In This Thread
Volunteers Needed! ~ "The Ultimate Writer" - by DatRyebread - 05-24-2009, 04:21 AM
RE: Volunteers Needed! ~ "The Ultimate Writer" - by Ryan - 05-24-2009, 05:18 AM
RE: Volunteers Needed! ~ "The Ultimate Writer" - by Ryan - 05-25-2009, 08:53 AM
RE: Volunteers Needed! ~ "The Ultimate Writer" - by Ryan - 05-25-2009, 10:32 PM