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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"OK, OK." Mike said, shaking his head. "Fine, then let me point some things out to you right now. First of all, you might notice that your little Silvia is not waking up, that is because of a special poison I have injected her with, one of three. The first, like a mentioned, is to keep her asleep. She will sleep till she dies if I dont give her the antidote, so there will be no way for you to wake her up. The second is a pleasure poison that will slowly cause her to become more and more aroused as she sleeps, so the moaning and groaning should begin soon. This poison will eventually kill her through over orgasm and again, I am the only one with the antidote.

"And lastly, she has been injected with a very unique, very potent poison. Its call shrivel tail, and the reason is that it is actually more like a sickness than a poison. You see, seals tend to get this allot in my world, but most people dont notice, not until they capture the seal and keep it out of the water. Shrivel tail will cause all the water in pretty Silvy's entire body to be blasted out through her mouth, nose, eyes, ears, nipples, ass, pussy and eventually skin. It is a horrible way to die and it completely destroys the body once it activates. The trigger is dry land. As long as Silvia is in the water, she is safe, if she leaves it for more than two minutes, she will die. Now before I move onto the rules and goal of out little game," Mike smiled widely. "Any questions?"


"Very well. Hold one one second..." Mickal said as he began to chant and make signs in the air. Suddenly, in a flash of light and sound, he began to change, transforming from Mickal to a completely different creature, an Ogre. "There." He said, looking himself over. "That ought to do it. Now please leave Lord Hunter while I wake her up...what should the signal be? For you to come in and save her that is."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 05-18-2009, 05:05 AM