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Semper in excremento, sole profundum qui variat.
I'm with Wise man, call the cops, if you only lose out on washing clothes, well detergent and water will be easy enough to handwash with and it sounds like you have some prime heat outside for quick drying. I don't know why you'd lose electricity but I'm sure its the living arrangement and that could be a problem, but if they go to jail, I don't understand why you'd lose access. Anyhow, with the vandelism and gas theft (try to get pictures, or video proof), you should be able to get them booted out at least. Also, let your dog loose on their dope, or trash it yourself if you can get away with it, just for the hell of it. Oh and because they suck.

As for the ticket, all you can do is show up to court and give them paperwork that you are getting everything caught up, explain the situation and they might cut you a break with a reduced ticket or something. You could sue the guy you bought the van from if you have a document that says the registration was supposed to be up to date, but without a paper from him saying that, its all heresay.

I agree with the whole being overly giving of stuff to people living beyond their means. I work in a pharmacy and have, on more than one occasion, had to fill scripts for people who "can't afford to pay for their meds", but have fancy cell phones with bluetooth headsets, nice clothes, and a shitload of over the top jewlery. And yet, the guy with beat to hell clothes, no ride home, and seemingly low income can manage to pay for his medication. That man can walk with pride I suppose, but pride doesn't pay the bills.

Believe in yourself! Not you who believe in me, not me, who believes in you.
Believe in you, who believes in yourself!
- Kamina of the Dai Gurren Brigade

Messages In This Thread
RE: Semper in excremento, sole profundum qui variat. - by The Reclaimer - 05-06-2009, 02:05 PM