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Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon)
~Saito and Hiroki’s apartment~

Puddlemon pics up Kitmon just in his babyish diaper and takes him over to the crib and says to him as she carrys him. "I want you to be very quite and don't try to open the cage on your own at all or I will have to do some more strict punishments." Puddlemon started to think a little then said. "Will Mommy have to put those restrant mittens and that pacifier gag in your mouth to help you with that my baby?"

~Ice Cream Shop~

Eaglemon was expecting a sever spanking and was shocked to be getting the treatment he was right now. Only Puddlemon as ever touched him in such ways before. His wee wee got very stiff and he started to moan in a low tone as he lies on his back as Hiroki keep going.

~Mall Daycare~

Susie signed some papers then comes over to where Vixmon and Terriermon are. She talkes the nasty bars of soap out of their mouths then hold then both tightly by their ears. "Mommy's very upset at both of you. You both are bad babies for fighting and getting your baby brother Kitty hurt! I am going to redress both of you, go get our baby kitty, then go right home and no ice cream for any of you tonight, except for Lopmon. She's my always good baby!" Susie said pulling both Vixmon and Terriermon hard by their ears over to their baby clothes left on the floor.

~Mall Mini Hospital~

Gomamon shakes his head no. "I am very serious about the power lose Nekomon. I know its alot but the choice must be yours alone. I can promise you both operations will be painless if you want your tail gone I can put you to sleep and you will wake up with all your powers still and no tail. So what will it be son?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon) - by Tank Cop - 04-19-2009, 10:45 AM