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Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's!
That does it. With a single step, her paw stopped Hunk side and took his body and bought him close to her chest. Suddenly baring her teeth and growled at him, "You are taking care of the kids wither you like it or not! I'm not going to just let you have your way of doing whatever you please just by leaving me! I know you barely know me for just a few moments but, I'm not letting you leave and take full less responsible for them!"


Finally she transformed herself a vulpix giggling and taking a bite of Maru's offer for share. "Mmmm, thanks good as cooked." Tigermew wagged her tail digging in the meat.

Bunny continued to run until she herself tripped over a rock and landed herself in the river, but quickly push Charmeleon on land as she know's he's a fire type pok'emon.
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RE: Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's! - by tigerlily - 04-08-2009, 07:09 AM