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Dragon diadam Altima and Tigerlily rp
Altima stumbled into the store, looking rather confused as he scritched his chin in thought. "Looks like the place... but the directions don't make much sense... uhh..." he muttered, as he looked aorund, trying to see if he recognised anybody. giving a soft dejected sigh, he turned around, and made as if to leave the restaurant, until something stopped im, causing him to lurch in surprise. He blinked repeatedly, as he stared at a brigh reflection on the glass door. He turned and looked, wondering what on earth could be so shiny in such a dingy, cramped little place.

And just as sudden, he saw the shine again, as he stared at the most golden-colored tail he had ever seen. He followed the tail up, and up, until his eyes came to rest on such a magnificent beauty. "Err... w-wow... that must be her.." he muttered, as he stumbled on his way towards her table, his tail waggin frantically in excitement.

"Excuse me, miss... but you wouldn't happen to be Flora, would you?" he asked as politely as he could, his voice quavering with excitement, and utter enjoyment.
Digimon P&P RPG forum.

new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

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RE: Dragon diadam Altima and Tigerlily rp - by Altima - 04-07-2009, 11:28 AM