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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
As the clone died, the very few survivors of the war appear around Tsunade. There were two, maybe two and a half dozen at the most. They were all injured, but one of them seemed the least so, and looked at the woman, licking his lips. The other clones dash forward with kunais in hand, all of them attempting to tear and cut off the remainder of her clothing. Whether they succeed or not, the leader jumped forward and tackled her down, and grabbed her head and did just one thing. Slam her lips against his, kissing her lips, and exploring her mouth with his tongue.


Alex looked at Hinata and brought her far away from the Hidden Leaf village, and came near the ocean, where his iron giant gently set him, her, and the remainder of clones down on the sandy beach. He gently placed her on the ground, and some of the clones grabbed her arms and legs, as other undressed her to her bra and panties and began healing her with chakra.

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 04-06-2009, 02:13 PM