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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Alex sent a small squad of clones to Hinata Hyuuga to grab her and allowed his iron giant to hold back any major fighters. As the squad moved to grab Hinata, Alex had another clone to go and meet Tsunade, this one there to send a message.

"Lady Tsunade," the clone said when he finally found her. "It is an honor to finally meet you."


Hinata screamed as she felt her ass being slapped and panicked even more. Never had her byuakugon been blocked like this. She kicked and slapped randomly, trying to hit and fight back Mike in any way. Her heart raced, and her mind raced as her skin paled in fear.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 04-06-2009, 01:15 PM