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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion
The girl fell into unconsciousness right away and moaned silently as she fell over, her naked body scarcely covered by her long hair. Luna slept as well and soon the sun rose, but Blue would not know this since there were no windows in his dungeon. Now he could sleep for until he awoke.


May yawned cutely and cuddled in close to her mistress, her still warm body pressed against Lulu's cold one. Angela was left hanging(?) from the ceiling by her arms(?) and was glad that she was allowed to remove her clothes before becoming completely immobile. She stood there on her tip toes, watching the two vampires as they slept. She had not eaten much in awhile...and now she had to stand all day long. She sighed and tried to fall asleep, tried to make the best of her horrible situation...But nothing helped and all she was able to get was some dozing off here and there.


Blue was awoke by a shutting door as two servants, both human, entered the pens. They both carried trays of raw meat and bowls of water. For Blue it was slid through the bars within reach, while Luna's cage had to be opened. The human kneeled down next to Luna and slapped her a few times to wake her up, the large man being rather gruff with a creature that could snap him in half under normal circumstances. "Time to eat." He said as she awoke slowly. Her body was too weak to move to the man tore off chunks of her meal and fed it to her slowly, giving her some water between bites. This continued until half her meal was gone, then he left, leaving the rest there.

Luna tried to get to her food, still very hungry and needing all the food she could get, as well as water. But as she crawled across the floor to her plate, she tipped the water and it spilled into a puddle next to her. She whimpered sadly and began to weakly lap it up with her tongue. Meanwhile, the small were girl still lay on the ground, unconscious and sprawled were Blue left her. It was likely that she was had been fed at least recently since skin and bones do not make for a good meal, but the food was likely less healthy than good old meat, and more than likely used to weaken her. Still, Blue needed food as well and waking her up would mean sharing, it was up to him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - by Maero - 03-27-2009, 02:05 PM